Mayfair Library Wedding Photography • A London Wedding • The Rabbit Hole • Pub Reception • Alicia and Matt

Another day, another covid wedding! But wow - what a wedding! I think you actually have to take the word Covid away for weddings like these because it was just amazing, and shouldn’t be shadowed with that word at all!

Seeing both Matt and Alicia in the morning is something I love, they were both getting ready surrounded by family and fiends, with Matt’s mum doing final touches on the flowers, and champagne bottles being popped with Alicia, it was such a good feel to the start of the day.

They had a red bus for their guests, which I always think is the most brilliant idea - get everyone travelling together and keep the party going!

Their ceremony was beautiful, they really are each others lobster! Confetti canons and colourful streamers filled the Mayfair streets with colour and noise as they strided into life as a newly married couple - if very couple had these confetti canons I would be one happy photographer!

They ere a giggling dream during the couple pics, and carried the fun into their family and friend pics too! We had a fun time watching the bus squeeze through the narrow streets and arrived at one of their favourite pubs to really kick off the celebrations! They entered to cheers and whoops from all in the pub and saw out their wedding evening chilling with their guests, and listening to speeches.

I loved this day completely - full of colour, fun, love and life! Nothing brought it down.

Getting ready Venue: Wellington hotel
Ceremony: Mayfair Library
Reception: The Rabbit Hole
Dress: Elizabeth James Bridal
Suit: Reiss
Hair: Tanya from Kristina Gasperas
Makeup: Tanya from Kristina Gasperas
Transport: The Vintage Red Bus Company