Alexander House and Utopia Spa Wedding • Traditions and Whiskey • Mark and Angela

Mark and Angela went full force into traditions. Some people hate them some people love them, these guys actually made some of the dying traditions seem really modern and fun!

Their getting ready mornings were in dark hotels, so where I could I got them outside. The rest of the day was really well lit which is a dream. A beautiful light church where I was allowed to be at the top which means so much for photos! They had a beautiful set of entrances and then all the traditions during the actual ceremony, including a few additional ones which were a joy to capture.

Arriving at the stunning Alexander House the weather couldn’t have been nicer. We took a short walk around the grounds before entering to confetti canons in the reception - what a great idea!

Shots were filled and passed around for the speeches, with whiskey sitting proudly on the tables. It was so fluid, the meal allowed for timings to relax and for whatever happens to happen! An impromptu karaoke started during the meal, some dancing, games and the bouquet and garter toss - but there was such laughter, I enjoyed it all so so much!!! It wasn’t made to be a serious moment, everything just flowed into each other, if someone wanted to speak they just stood up, people heckled, people cried (happy tears) and the laughter….just constant!!!

Ending with sparklers, I know that they continued their fun all try way through the evening - what a beautiful couple and beautiful set of domaines and friends to capture!

Venue: Alexander House